Wednesday, March 24, 2004

So...throughout the day in my times of Devotions and Bible study, something struck me that hasn't really hit me like it did until today...

The more I read, and the more I learn, and the more things about God and His word that I start to understand and that start making more and more sense to me, the more I realize just how much i DO NOT KNOW...How much I have yet to much is needed to be delved deeper into much stuff is past the surface beyond what I might first think is the "whole picture"...and how essential it is to relating pieces of scripture together...and seeing it as a whole....where verses and passages meet and cross reference, if you will, with other passages in totally different books, even.

Now, this seemed odd to me at first, in my humanly mind :) Its easy for me to think the more you study something, the more knowledgeable you feel/there would be fewer mysteries. But to is not this way, with God I gain bits of understanding and wisdom, (hopefully), I think God reveals to me just how awesome He truly He is so unfathomable to my human many mysteries surround His very nature and His glorious creation....Now, I don't mean that the more I learn, I am worse off or anything :) No, not that...simply...that...I see this as a blessing...because I take it as a challenge to, i pray, grow in my really make a conscious effort, with the guidance God gives me, to continue to study God more fully and to also apply His perfect word in this life.

It was a very humbling revalation today. Its so easy to get in that starte of "comfort" with know the one....where you just kind of "flat line" and feel like you're doing what you need to be doing and that you're doign "just fine" as a Chrisitan because you're going through the motions...or even that you're studying or whatnot...but I think believers need to be challenged in their faith all the time in order to actually make GROWTH. I don't want to be comfortable....(well I do :) my sinful nature wants to be that way :) but with the Truth God has instilled in me, I know I don't want to be that way).

Also, something else....I was cleaning a house today...and I began to do something, secondnature, that I hadn't done in quite some time...since I worked for the news station since January and therefore hadn't been helping Mom clean, the same opportunity had not manifested itself through the same medium. And the thing I began doing was praying while I was cleaning...Now, I do pray other times besides when i clean houses, thats not the point i'm making...but...a while back when I cleaned houses with Mom, prayer somehow became something I would do when I cleaned...I don't really know how the thought came about to be in prayer while cleaning, but, somewhere, God laid on my heart that in the silence (some of the time :) ) of sweeping or mopping or dusting or scrubbing, and in the activities where I didn't have to think too hard about what I was doing, it was a perfect opportunity to talk with God. And so it became wonderful extra prayer time for me, that I normally would't set aside to have. So today, when I started praying as I had months ago when I was cleaning houses, it was bizarre, because i hadn't really thought to start praying...I just had become ingrained in me to do so....(kind of weird because this doesn't happen often when I clean my own house :) maybe because its always harder to clean your own house and I think more about what needs to go where and such). Anyway...I realized how much I had missed that time. How much peace it gave...and encouragement...and focus...(Also, sometimes when I am driving, i turn off my radio and do the same.) saying all that about prayer...

So, I have a challenge for my readers :)... I would encourage anyone, to think about an a activity they have...whether it be walking or driving or cleaning or building or shoering, consider using that time in prayer. I find that I end up praying about all different kinds of things...I pray for the people in my life/whom I know/whom I have interactions with, probably the most...also prayers of thanksgiving/praise...prayers of forgiveness and guidance and strength and wisdom...all diff. things....also, i want to do better about praying more often, too

Any and all realizations/fruits that come "from me" are God's doing only...not my own...because God is the only thing I can take any pride in at all :) I want you all to know that.

realization/challenge/humbling occurance to grow in my faith/understanding/application of the Lord and His purpose
desire and renewed realization of importance of MORE AND MORE prayer
challenge to you all to, in a sense, maybe become better stewards in "down time" to talk with God
(anyone who wants to help keep me accountable about any of these things, feel free to ask me about them :) that would be cool.)

Jeremiah 9: 24 but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things," declares the LORD.

praise God for His blessings upon me!
Grace and Peace,


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