Friday, December 26, 2003

So…yeah…today…very interesting…good memories and such…

We had been getting the house and food ready for about a week (no joke) in preparation for the 30 people that came over today for the festivities. So…it was a bit calmer today because of that fact. So…I got my wakeup call this morning…by mom coming in and being overly cheery and voice high pitched, immediately getting right up in my face while I’m in bed, planting kisses on my face…and I’m like *screws up face*… “don’t.” *puts hands up and scoots away*…she gets her feelings hurt and stars commenting like she always does…and I’m like…”dude…you’re like…all up in my grill”…and then I have to explain to her what “all up in my grill” means.. and so I’m like “I just don’t want to be like…mauled the second I wake up. You know how I am…I need some time to get awake…I don’t want you up in my face like that.” So yeah….I felt bad for being cranky with her…but really…for the love….don’t wake me up and then like 15 seconds later, before I’ve even had time to get my eyes open, start messing with me…Just not a good idea…

Yeah…so then…I got ready, put curlers in my hair….emailed some ;)

Um…and then spent some time getting the food laid out so everyone could eat…So…I didn’t really get to greet everyone. But oh well…and so I didn’t really get to take too many pics…cause I was busy doing the womanly cooking and food stuff…yeah…and I wore a skirt today that I actually have had for a year but never wore…and got a ton of compliments off it…nice. Um…so yeah…made a phone call and then ate….then was back up again doing dishes…and yeah…did that for quite a while…then kendon and eliz. Changed my guitar strings…yay…it was actually really funny cause kendon messed up at first and strung like 3 on the wrong ones…it was funny……oh dear…

So today…I was standing in the doorway of my garage taking pictures…and so I all have the camera raised up high…and I’m about to click a picture…and my cousin Marie comes up behind me….TOOOOOOOOOTALLY grabs my left butt cheek….i go “WHOOOOOOOOAH” and like scream….really loud….and tuck my butt forward and like jump forward…yeah…my dad was standing right there…he laughed…a lot….and…yeah…this wasn’t your average goosing incident or butt pinching…no….she seriously took ahold of the whole cheek…..I am so violated….;) hehe…jk…I don’t care…it was pretty funny…but definitely was NOT expecting that. I dunno why I just typed about that…but it was fairly amusing. But I suppose its ok…cause her and her hub gave me a gift certificate to starbucks…so…yeah….she can goose me anytime she wants if that’s what I’ll be getting in return ;) hehe…jk….

Um…so…hm….we didn’t open gifts today…cause we’ll be doing that at my sisters tomorrow….and bub and I are actually gonna do the music thing over there, too….

So…after everyone left..there was much cleaning up to do…a TON…mind you….there were LITERALLY 30 people here….dishes from that plus all the huge dishes and containers the food had gone in…INSANITY.. Then mom and I took a momentary nap…then we went to see Mona Lisa Smile….pretty good…not as great as I was expecting…but definatley a good movie….

Um…hm….I am very sleepy. Yah….

So….about preparation for today…that was quite interesting and fun all week….Here were some random highlights:

Mom and I getting into the food…hehe
Me scraping peanut brittle off the cookie sheet and feeling like I was doing a Rainman impersonation
Feeling like I was delivering a baby or something just as squishy and a bit gross while having to clean the turkey
Me getting to rub the turkey down with oil…heheh…..rlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlr….hehe… ;)
Me falling UP the stairs and spilling large quantities of nearly still boiling noodles
Seeing Greg try on his new “birthcontrol” glasses that Andy got for him as a gag gift….our whole family was in stitches about that

Ne who…yeah….I posted this a while back…But I really like this song…a lot…In fact…I love this song…so I’ll post it again.

Springtime Indiana
Sandra Mccracken

Springtime Indiana
You are sleeping by my side
Here across the miles we ramble
Past where the road divides
I wish I could tell you, but I just can’t find the words

I’ve never been good with my thoughts
And even worse with my words
But you read like familiar poetry
That I have never heard
I wish I could tell you
, but I just can’ t find the words

So let’s move across the ocean
And pitch the tent stakes wide
You be the one to come after me
And I will be your bride
I wish I could tell you, but I just can’t find the words

I am all at once courageous
I am all at once afraid
It came over me like nightfall
Like a freight train
I can’t seem to hold it in
But I can’t seem to run away

You came in without notice
And settled all around my heart

Took up residence in all the places
That were vacant and dark
I wish I could tell you, but I just can’t find the words

Springtime Indiana
You are starting to wake
And I am laden with the thoughts
Of everything I mean to say
I wish I could tell you
But I just can’t find the words.


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