Friday, November 28, 2003 was i already typed out much of what happened today down below.

but for what i left out: here goes:
ok...already told a lot about aunt linda/uncle and 3 other ladies cleaned up from dinner for hr and a half to two hours...insanity...but it was kinda theraputic and i liked the fact that i could do something for/serve others. I like doing that...and that is something God has put on my heart hugely that is awesome that He gave me the opportunity to help out today.

Bubby and I sang and played some Christmas tunes after the family music jam sessions.

Got home from that and Ellie and Kate called me...which was cool cool...YAY!

Then...Bub and Olivia and I drove to the Plaza to watch the lights come on...that was lots of pics/video clips from my dig. camera. We were so silly and had lots of good bonding time.

then we decided to go see a movie at the Cinemark on the Plaza...lots of memories from that movie theatre...some really good ones that made me retell the stories of...some really shitty ones that i cringe when i three of us go in and call Kendon and Elizabeth who are on their way to the theatre to meet us...and we decided to see "bad santa"..really long story short: we sit through about 10 mins of the movie....realize how disgustingly raunchy and inappropriate it is...and all 5 of us pick up our crap and get the heck out of there....TERRIBLE...don't see went into Gothica late...that is freaky! haha....i kept clinging onto Oliva...and one time...we bonked heads REALLY hard cause we both leaned in really fast toward eachother at a suddenly scary part....

after that, we walked to Starbucks on the Plaza...that is always good times. Had coffee, of course (my choice of the night was a caramel latte...yummmmm)....Elizabeth spilled her literally checked Kendon's sat on a table...hehe....and we met/made friends with this dude named Joe who is in a local Emo/Punk band when I asked him to take a pic of all of yeah...that was cool...he was on the warped tour....(not a big punk fan, but emo is good)...made friends with him....asked him when his next show was and for his website addy and he gives me his phone number ne who. good bonding time, good talks about Kendon and Eliz. going into the mission field some day together (yes...they are destined to be together, anyway...just look at them together for crying out loud)....we closed 'bucks down. rock on.

took some more pictures after that....freezed our butts off...drove home...looked at pics....

so...if ya'll want to see any pics from the festivities, go here:

Um..what else, not involved with today?
I play rocks...i have for a month..i love it...i can't barre yet..the thought scares me...I started writing...which I some really cool songs...its a totally diff. experience/emotion/groove than playing piano, ya'll.

I'm seeing 10 Shekel Shirt tomorrow night and meeting up with Zach...and maybe Kody? some pt, Zach and I are jamming and hes gonna help me with geetar....

doing a get together at bub's tomorrow at 1...that will be good times

seeing DW on Sunday in st louis....rock on....ELLIE NEEDS TO COME TOO else...i have no earthly idea of what else to talk about

but...God is so great to me..and I don't do a thing to deserve Him...sometimes...I catch myself wallowing in sin...and I'm like...I am SO disgusting...but He still loves me...amazing grace....

so...ya'll email or call or IM me and tell me whats up with you...praises, prayer requests, anything...i'll be there for ya...but Jesus is the only one who will NEVER let you down.

I am so thankful and greatful for so many things...mostly...this is very general...but I am so thankful to God for opening my eyes/heart to SOOOOOOOOO many huge things that I was so lost in...within the last several months, really....and how He is working continueously. I love that...I love the fact that not only I notice God's work in me...but that other people notice and comment on it...and I love the fact not only that I see God's work and goodness in my life, but that I am able to see (at least some) of the things i still need serious work on, and that God has put some very christlike people in my life as of late to help confront me and pray for me, and help keep me accountable, and encourage me, and convict me, and tell me in love when they see me falling short somehow...and i pray that people will continue to confront me in love whenever need be...and that God will continue to use godly people in my life to strengthen me within the body of Christ.

mucho oso....whats up everyone? I am tired, i think...sleep will be good.


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