Thursday, August 14, 2003

Starting Over

Fresh slate
rewind the last year
maybe meet you again
maybe i don't want to
maybe approach you differently
maybe you will approach me differently
maybe we have matured more
maybe we undestand how to communicate better
maybe we get to know eachother for real this time
maybe we get along because of all this

maybe my life is different than it is now
because of rewinding
and having it to do over
and maybe we are still together
and maybe you have picked me to love this time around
and maybe you let me know you this time
and maybe we are doing alright
not a "perfect" - alright
but a Godly - example - of - a - relationship - "alright"

and maybe we didn't mess things up this time

and maybe we have seen too much to go back to the beginning
and say "hello, its nice to meet you"
and shake hands
and wonder what the other person is like

maybe thats not possible
because we have seen it all
we know
or think we know because of what we experienced
...i have been told thats not possible
and i know its not realistic
but the mustard seed of faith in me
wants to believe its a possibility
if only to protect the investment

but you have your image of me
and i have my image of you
and oh boy,
how those long lasting impressions are hard to destroy

and maybe it would never work again
but who am i to say for SURE
and write the answer in blood

you've hurt me
maybe i've hurt you
i don't want to let you hurt me anymore
and thinking about you -
maybe that is allowing you to hurt me some more

for a year
with a different plot
with a different ending

maybe its impossible
but in my head
its not so impossible

don't want to change you
only you can change yourself

stupid to try to be with someone
who you think you have to
change to be with
and i know this

thats why im asking
for me to wake up tomorrow
and for it to be may 29th, 2002
reading your email

and maybe no one would need to change to make someone happy
because everything would be different.....


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